Test Result

You are not connected to the Husky OnNet VPN.


Here's a link to some information about Husky OnNet in ITConnect

Installing, Configuring, and Using Husky OnNet

Note that not every UW server is on campus. Many of them may be in the "cloud". The location of the server you are connecting to may affect whether or not the Husky OnNet VPN is used in some configurations.

The target url you used for this test should have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on campus. Your system chose to use the IPv4 address. That may affect how the Husky OnNet VPN behaves.

Click this link to test the VPN with an IPv4 address.

IPv4 test

Click this link to test the VPN with an IPv6 address.

IPv6 test

Development Debug

source ip =

is_vpn addr = False

is_v6 addr = False

request_type = RequestType.BOTHAVAILABLE